Frisco Rotary Membership Application

Below is our online membership form. Once you have completed and submitted your application our membership committee will reach out to you!

Rotary is a participatory organization and being present at The Rotary Club of Frisco meetings is considered a vital part of the operations and success of the club. I understand that I may not miss four consecutive club meetings, will attend or make up 60% of club meetings in each six month period and will attend at least 30% of the meetings at The Rotary Club of Frisco. I understand that my disregard for the attendance requirements could be considered tantamount to the submission of my resignation from The Rotary Club of Frisco.

The Rotary Club of Frisco dues are $210 per quarter and due in advance. There is also an initiation fee of $135. All new members joining after the start of a quarter will be billed a pro rata portion of the remaining days left in the quarter.